Role of First Line Manager: Strategic Leadership in Implementing Successful PMS


  • Farhana Firoz North South University
  • Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury North South University



Strategic Leader, High Performance Work Systems, Performance Management System, Telecommunication Companies


The paper studies the role of first line managers as strategic leaders in Bangladesh ensuring successful implementation of efficient performance management system (PMS), in high performance work systems (HPWS). In this paper, importance of PMS in HPWS has been discussed briefly with the light of previously done scholarly works. Then the paper draws attention on Bangladesh’s perspective of first line managers’ role as strategic leaders in major telecommunication companies, (which are considered as HPWS) in implementing PMS. To do this, quantitative data from handful of major telecommunication companies operating in Bangladesh have been collected and the whole concept has been explained with aid of a model.

JEL Classification Code: M120


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Author Biographies

  • Farhana Firoz, North South University

    Senior Lecturer, School of Business, North South University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH

  • Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury, North South University

    Senior Lecturer of HRM, School of Business, North South University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH


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How to Cite

Firoz, F., & Chowdhury, M. F. (2013). Role of First Line Manager: Strategic Leadership in Implementing Successful PMS. Asian Business Review, 2(1), 7-12.

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