Empowering Organizations through IT and IoT in the Pursuit of Business Process Reengineering: The Scenario from the USA and Bangladesh


  • Md Abdullahel Kafi Graduate Research Assistant, Department Decision Support System, School of Business, Oakland University, USA
  • Tamim Adnan Ph.D. Fellow, Infrastructure and Environmental Systems, University of North Carolina, USA




Information Technology, Internet of Things, USA, Bangladesh, Business Process Reengineering


The current competitive environment demands that enterprises adopt changes that lead to market share and profitability expansion. One effective method businesses adopt is Business Process Reengineering (BPR). This entails redesigning business processes radically to realize significant progress on performance metrics. Information Technology (IT) is essential in enabling the successful implementation of BPR, although not exclusively singly accountable. It provides vital levers for simplifying tasks, institutional structural modification, work adaptations, and phenomenal achievements. IT remains pivotal alongside other factors that enable successful enterprise-wide change through strategically implemented BPR. Among other things, BTP promotes transformational capability through process optimization, task automation, and overall efficiency increment and catalyzes change within organizations. Utilizing IT in BPR initiatives unlocks fresh possibilities leading to phenomenal benefits such as superior productivity, streamlining of workflows, increased collaboration, and a remarkable improvement in performance. This piece exemplifies the importance of IT as a strategic tool when executing BP. It showcases its potential as a positive outcome driver in the dynamic business landscape.


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How to Cite

Kafi, M. A., & Adnan, T. (2022). Empowering Organizations through IT and IoT in the Pursuit of Business Process Reengineering: The Scenario from the USA and Bangladesh. Asian Business Review, 12(3), 67-80. https://doi.org/10.18034/abr.v12i3.658

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