Strategic Management in Zimbabwean Profit and Non-profit Organizations: Identifying the Missing Tools in the Strategy Implementation Kit Bag


  • Lysias Tapiwanashe Charumbira National University of Science and Technology



Strategic Management, Environmental Scanning, Strategy Formulation, Strategy Implementation, Evaluation and Control, Strategic Success, Strategic Failure


The purpose of this study was to identify the determinants of strategic success or failure in Zimbabwean Profit and Non-Profit Organizations. The convergent parallel mixed methods research design was adopted as the guiding model for the data collection, analysis and interpretation process in this study. This explains why data was collected through a concurrent parallel methodological triangulation of questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 while the analysis of qualitative data was performed using the NVivo 10 data analysis software. The study established that there is a high rate of strategy implementation failure in Zimbabwean Profit and Non-profit Organizations. The failure to build the distinctive competences and resource capabilities needed for successful strategy implementation was identified as the main cause of strategic failure in these Organizations.



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Author Biography

  • Lysias Tapiwanashe Charumbira, National University of Science and Technology

    Graduate School of Business, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe


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How to Cite

Charumbira, L. T. (2014). Strategic Management in Zimbabwean Profit and Non-profit Organizations: Identifying the Missing Tools in the Strategy Implementation Kit Bag. Asian Business Review, 4(3), 85-91.

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