Choice of Performance Measures and Performance of Textile Sector in Bangladesh


  • Mohammad Mobarak Hossain BUBT
  • Tahsina Tabassum BUBT



Measures, performance, choices, sustainability


This study seeks out to establish the influence of quality as well as performance-based manufacturing strategy, diverse in performance measures, firm’s size, their interrelationship, and joint effects with the subjective measures on textile firm’s performance. Financial, objective, subjective, and non-financial measures have been taken into consideration. Bangladesh needs competitive strategies and measures to meet the challenges & opportunities for creating a sustainable position in the global market. Performance measures have been taken by the textile industries of Bangladesh to improve the performance. The influence of those measures is not always improving the performance as found in the earlier study. Responses from mid-level managers of 30 textile industries in Bangladesh have been taken into consideration using survey method using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, regression and correlation analysis. The result shows extensive use of measures and only subjective measures do not increase the performance of the industry, but customer-oriented measures, sustainability measures, manufacturing quality strategy with firm size increase the performance of the textile sectors. The study will open the scope of further exploration in the performance of the textile sector of Bangladesh.

JEL Classification Code: G 21


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Author Biographies

  • Mohammad Mobarak Hossain, BUBT

    ­Lecturer, Department of Textile Engineering, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT), Dhaka, BANGLADESH

    Mohammad Mobarak Hossain has joined BUBT as a lecturer of Textile Engineering on June 7, 2014. After completing B.Sc. in Textile Engineering from Textile Engineering College, Chittagong, currently he is pursuing his M.Sc. in Textile Engineering from Bangladesh University of Textiles. He has more than one year of industrial experience in Production Quality Control and Industrial Engineering from Base Textile Mills Ltd. And Intimate Apparels Ltd. Respectively. His research interest includes lean techniques and production engineering in fabric technology.

  • Tahsina Tabassum, BUBT

    Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Dhaka, BANGLADESH

    Tahsina Tabassum has joined BUBT as a lecturer of Management Department on October 1, 2014. She completed BBA major with ‘Management Studies’ and MBA major with ‘Human Resource Management’ from the University of Chittagong. Before joining as a BUBT faculty she was an internal auditor in ISO department of Univogue Garments Company Ltd. Later she moved on as a lecturer in BGC Trust University, Chittagong. She attended a number of training programs including ‘Intensive Training Program on Applied Research Methodology’ at BUBT. She also participated in a number of seminars, workshops. Her research interest is women entrepreneurship, strategy, leadership etc.



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How to Cite

Hossain, M. M., & Tabassum, T. (2019). Choice of Performance Measures and Performance of Textile Sector in Bangladesh. Asian Business Review, 9(2), 65-76.

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