The Social Network of High and Low Self- Monitors and it’s Impact on Organization’s Performance


  • Fahim Shaker Southeast University



Self-Monitoring, Social Network, Organization, Performance


Self-monitoring as a personality attribute is given particular attention by researchers in order to understand employee performance and productivity in the organizational context. Numerous studies focused on the impact of self-monitoring from individual employee perspective with limited focus on the impact of the organization’s performance. However, to what extent employees with high versus low self- monitors contribute to the organization’s performance needs to be theoretically augmented. Therefore, relying on exploratory method of research, the paper tries to address the impact of high and low self-monitors on organization’s performance. In this perspective, how self-monitoring helps employees to structure a social network within organizational setting and eventually contribute to it’s success is discussed in this paper. The paper addresses the literature review of self-monitoring principles with special interest in its contribution towards organizational performance through previous research compilation within the field of sociology and organization psychology.

JEL Classification Code:  M 12; M 14


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Author Biography

  • Fahim Shaker, Southeast University

    Lecturer, School of Business Studies, Southeast University, Bangladesh


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How to Cite

Shaker, F. (2014). The Social Network of High and Low Self- Monitors and it’s Impact on Organization’s Performance. Asian Business Review, 4(3), 100-104.

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