A Note on the Tower of Hanoi Problem with Evildoers


  • S. M. Shahidul Islam HSTU
  • A. A. K. Majumdar Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University




Divine rule, evildoer, Hanoi tower problem


Recent literature considers the variant of the classical Tower of Hanoi problem with n (³ 1) discs, where r (1 £ r < n) discs are evildoers, each of which can be placed directly on top of a smaller disc any number of times. Letting E(n, r) be the minimum number of moves required to solve the new variant, an explicit form of E(n, r) is available which depends on a positive integer constant N. This study investigates the properties of N.



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Author Biographies

  • S. M. Shahidul Islam, HSTU

    Professor & Chair, Department of Mathematics, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh

  • A. A. K. Majumdar, Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University

    Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University, Renace Beppu 205, Beppu-shi 874-0842, JAPAN


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How to Cite

Islam, S. M. S. ., & Majumdar, A. A. K. . (2021). A Note on the Tower of Hanoi Problem with Evildoers. Engineering International, 9(1), 21-28. https://doi.org/10.18034/ei.v9i1.515