Submit Manuscript

Submit Manuscript by Email

It will be helpful for the authors to keep the electronic files of the cover letter, text file, and images ready before submitting a manuscript.

You can send the cover letter, manuscript text file (including title page and manuscript text), and figures/images as email attachments to:

If you are submitting your files by e-mail please copy the following cover letter, paste it into the body of the e-mail and fill in the details. Add/delete details as given in instructions in square brackets.


The Editors
Engineering International

Subject: Submission of Review Article, Research Article, Case Report. [These are the categories of manuscripts. Delete whatever is not applicable] titled, [Type or copy/paste here the title of the manuscript].

Dear Sir
We are submitting a Review Article, Research Article, Case Report [These are the categories of manuscripts. Delete whatever is not applicable] titled [Type or copy/paste here the title of the manuscript] for consideration for publication in the journal of Engineering International. 

I, [Insert the name of the corresponding author here] (Corresponding author) certify that:

* The manuscript is the original work of all authors.
* All authors made a significant contribution to this study.
* This manuscript has not been submitted for publication and has not been published in any other journal.
* All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Thank you

[Give here name, contact address, contact phone number, email, and WhatsApp number of the corresponding author, the Corresponding author must be one of the authors of the manuscript.]

First Name - Middle Name - Surname
Complete Mailing Address
Postal Code
Contact Phone Number: [Country prefix followed by full phone number]
Contact Email:
WhatsApp number: [Country prefix followed by full WhatsApp number]



Send e-mail to:
Send the manuscript and cover letter as email attachments.
(Do not forget to attach your files with the email)


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