Theoretical Approaches of Machine Learning to Schizophrenia


  • Naresh Babu Bynagari Keypixel Software Solutions
  • Takudzwa Fadziso Chinhoyi University of Technology



Machine learning, Schizophrenia, Support vector machines, functional MRI


Machine learning techniques have been successfully used to analyze neuroimaging data in the context of disease diagnosis in recent years. In this study, we present an overview of contemporary support vector machine-based methods developed and used in psychiatric neuroimaging for schizophrenia research. We focus in particular on our group's algorithms, which have been used to categorize schizophrenia patients and healthy controls, and compare their accuracy findings to those of other recently published studies. First, we'll go over some basic pattern recognition and machine learning terms. Then, for each study, we describe and discuss it independently, emphasizing the key characteristics that distinguish each approach. Finally, conclusions are reached as a result of comparing the data obtained using the various methodologies presented to determine how beneficial automatic categorization systems are in understanding the molecular underpinnings of schizophrenia. The primary implications of applying these approaches in clinical practice are then discussed.


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Author Biographies

  • Naresh Babu Bynagari, Keypixel Software Solutions

    Andriod Developer, Keypixel Software Solutions, 777 Washington rd Parlin NJ 08859, Middlesex, USA

  • Takudzwa Fadziso, Chinhoyi University of Technology

    Institute of Lifelong Learning and Development Studies, Chinhoyi University of Technology, ZIMBABWE


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How to Cite

Bynagari, N. B., & Fadziso, T. (2018). Theoretical Approaches of Machine Learning to Schizophrenia. Engineering International, 6(2), 155-168.

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