Significant of Gradient Boosting Algorithm in Data Management System


  • Md Saikat Hosen Capital Normal University
  • Ruhul Amin Bangladesh Bank



Gradient Boosting, Data Science, Data Management System, Boosting Algorithm


Gradient boosting machines, the learning process successively fits fresh prototypes to offer a more precise approximation of the response parameter. The principle notion associated with this algorithm is that a fresh base-learner construct to be extremely correlated with the “negative gradient of the loss function” related to the entire ensemble. The loss function's usefulness can be random, nonetheless, for a clearer understanding of this subject, if the “error function is the model squared-error loss”, then the learning process would end up in sequential error-fitting. This study is aimed at delineating the significance of the gradient boosting algorithm in data management systems. The article will dwell much the significance of gradient boosting algorithm in text classification as well as the limitations of this model. The basic methodology as well as the basic-learning algorithm of the gradient boosting algorithms originally formulated by Friedman, is presented in this study. This may serve as an introduction to gradient boosting algorithms. This article has displayed the approach of gradient boosting algorithms. Both the hypothetical system and the plan choices were depicted and outlined. We have examined all the basic stages of planning a specific demonstration for one’s experimental needs. Elucidation issues have been tended to and displayed as a basic portion of the investigation. The capabilities of the gradient boosting algorithms were examined on a set of real-world down-to-earth applications such as text classification.


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Author Biographies

  • Md Saikat Hosen, Capital Normal University

    College of Management, Capital Normal University, Haidian District, Beijing, CHINA

  • Ruhul Amin, Bangladesh Bank

    Senior Data Entry Control Operator (IT), ED-Maintenance Office, Bangladesh Bank (Head Office), Dhaka, BANGLADESH


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How to Cite

Hosen, M. S., & Amin, R. (2021). Significant of Gradient Boosting Algorithm in Data Management System. Engineering International, 9(2), 85-100.

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