Uzair and Siddiqui: Factors Influencing Logistics Outsourcing in Pakistan (13-20)
Page 14 Asian Business Review ● Volume 8 ●Number 1/2018
The concept of logistics is based on systematic approach
that performs functions in the systematic way starting
from the movement of material from supplier to end user
with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction.
Research Objective
The main purpose of the study is to examine the
influential factors that outsource logistics activities which
impact on firm performance.
Research Questions
Following are the research questions which study to be
What are the factors that influenced to outsource logistics
with extent to logistics outsourcing practices?
What is the effect of logistics outsourcing practices that
impact on logistics outsourcing performance?
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will provide an insight to the
supply chain manager to outsource the functions of
logistics that significantly impact to operational cost and
time compression of manufacturing firms that like other
firm’s resources whether logistics could be an importance
source to sustainable and improve performance.
Limitation of the Study
The main objective of the research is to explore the areas
with different aspects and to find out new dimension
which provide guidance to the people but to achieve that
there are the constraints that need to be consider. The first
and most precious is the time constraint that limits our self
to work under it, secondly region of the study to work on
it. It is very important to understand the respondent of the
research for generic feedback as well as the sample size
that limit to find out the results which are not efficient to
measure the study.
Theoretical Background
The outsourcing of logistics functions to partners, known
as ``third-party logistics providers'', has increasingly
become a powerful alternative to the traditional,
vertically-integrated firm. To obtain competitive
advantage, Resource based view (RBV) has gain the
dominance in the organization’s strategic management
approaches, which began with Werner felt in the 1980. It
contends that by optimal utilization of resources and
competence, Companies may obtain and sustains
competitive advantage (Day, 1994; Wernerfelt, 1984).
However, Barny 1991 explore that logistics capability is
that part of firm’s resources which allow it to conceive of
and implement strategies that improve efficiency and
effectiveness. According to Dekkers (2011) and Wernefelt
(1984), the RBV defined resources as tangible and
intangible assets that are rooted half-permanent to a firm.
Barney (1991), however, moved the emphasis from the
organizational view to the firm’s goal of reducing the
uncertainty and dependency on other organizations to
reduce the risk for its survival.
Transaction Cost Economics Theory
William 1975 stated that in TCE approach, the properties
of the transaction determine what establish the most
competent governance structure-market, hierarchy or
alliance. The primary factors producing transactional
difficulties include bounded rationality, opportunism,
small numbers bargaining, and information
impactedness. Bounded rationality and opportunism are
behavioral assumptions. Bounded rationality refers to the
rational limitations of the human mind, which increases
the difficulties of understanding fully the difficulties of all
possible decisions. Opportunism refers to decision makers
acting with cunning, as well as out of self-interest. Small
numbers bargaining refers to the degree to which the
buyer has alternative sources of supply to meet its
requirements. Information impactedness refers to the
presence of information asymmetries between the buyer
and supplier, which means that either party may have
more knowledge than the other. These transaction
difficulties and associated costs increase when
transactions are characterized by asset specificity,
uncertainty and infrequency.
Asset specificity refers to the level of customization
supplementary with the transaction. Highly asset-specific
investments represent costs that have little or no value
outside the transaction. The costs can be in the form of
physical asset specificity (level of product or service
customization), human asset specificity (level of
specialized knowledge involved in the transaction) or site
specificity (location). Asset specificity can be non-specific
(highly standardized), idiosyncratic (highly customized to
the organization) or mixed (incorporating standardized
and customized elements in the transaction). According to
Klein et al., 1978 TCE affirms that the potential for
opportunistic behavior is most likely when an exchange
requires one or both parties to make significant
transaction-specific investments, since such investments
create quasi-rents that are subject to the holdup problem.
When asset specificity and uncertainty is low, and
transactions are relatively frequent, transactions will be
ruled by markets. Hierarchical governance occurs when
uncertainty and high asset specificity lead to transactional
difficulties. Medium levels of asset specificity lead to
mutual relations in the form of co-operative alliances
between the organizations or intermediate governance.
Logistics Outsourcing
Companies can either keep logistics functions in house or
contract them out. The decision process is based on an
evaluation of the costs and benefits of outsourcing.
Lankford and Parsa (1999) stated that outsourcing is